[b]Name: [/b] Kirei Yamakumo [b] Age: [/b] 169 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Race: [/b] Jorogumo, a demi-arachnid race that can take human form, spider form, or a few places in between. [b] Appearance: [/b] [hider=Appearance][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EVvJZt1P4L0/UaORZkh3S2I/AAAAAAAAA2g/U8ELfWnehwc/w800-h800/gothic-anime-girl-beautiful-beauty-black-hair-free-1338223.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider="Drider" Form][img]http://i.imgur.com/5amNG3o.png[/img][/hider] [b] Job: [/b] Does one need to know things about a loved one? What is the housewife’s husband doing on the way home from work? Did your best friend really steal your favorite item? Perhaps someone in a situation like that might need to pay for the services of a Private Detective. [b] Personality: [/b] Kirei considers herself logical enough to do her job and patient enough to stay in one place and keep watch for a long time. Sometimes she must use her. . . Charismatic personality and cunning wit to get the job done. Externally she treats everyone respectfully enough, on the inside she feels everyone is suspicious and is wary of them. Typically she shows a neutral face as she walks around town. She may seem off, and cold but she actually enjoys conversation. [b] Background: [/b] Kirei originally came from a somewhat large village in the mountains somewhere in Japan. There she did as Jorogumos typically do. Seduce, entrap. . . Eat. To start at least. As the area became more civilized she stopped killing and eating humans in any form. She would just use them to buy her food. She couldn’t handle having all the humans chase her at once and it was easier to just have the humans feed her. Eventually though, the humans started become wary of her as many of the residents started getting sick. Although it was a natural occurence people couldn’t help themselves thinking it was a supernatural one perpetuated by a spider youkai. It was at this point when she figured she needed to get out the village. Then she moved to Diehlstadt. There were so many other monsters there, yet humans as well. As she attempted to fit in, she found herself doing a lot of people watching. She joked with herself that she could do it for a living. Then, an acquaintance of hers (the person she was currently mooching off of) told her that she could try being a detective of some sort. It ended up being easy enough for her to do. It was interesting enough, the only real problem is the amount of work she gets. Still, it’s enough to make ends meet.