[h1][color=82ca9d][u][b]Bang Constantine[/b][/u][/color][/h1] [hider=Battle Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDdXlxtcnJk[/youtube][/hider] "[color=82ca9d]...[/color]" The boxer blinked as havoc shrekt the entire cafe. People with guns were pitted against people with super weird powers. It was as if he were stuffed into an action hero movie as an innocent bystander who somehow got dragged into the heat of battle. With that said, he tried to sit at a nearby chair, only to have a Clown smash through it due to an ear-penetrating sound wave that Bang barely managed to withstand due to his distance from the source of the noise. The boxer glanced at the now shattered chair before turning back to the cafe. Suddenly, some sort of mumbo jumbo dude went into his head and started talking. Bang blinked, surprised to find a voice in his head that did not belong to him. The voice said something that caught his attention. [i][color=82ca9d]The people,[/color][/i] Bang realized as he turned to the hostages who were stuffed into the kitchen. [i][color=82ca9d]I need to help the people.[/color][/i] Though he barely accustomed himself to the voice in his head, the boxer listened to what it said and dashed towards the cafe from the other side of the building. When a suspicious man attempted to hit him with a baseball bat, the boxer suddenly reached out for something behind him... only to take out a pair of boxing gloves. Tossing them into the air, the boxer shoved his hands into the gloves without tying them up before swinging a right hook towards the incoming bat. As the weapon flew towards the counter and knocked aside several coffee machines, the boxer grabbed the back of the Clown's neck before repeatedly delivering body blows to the attacker's gut. After a good set of eight body blows within two seconds, Bang punched the man across the face, knocking the strange smiley mask off and sending him toppling over the counter. With the Clown incapacitated, the boxer quickly went to the kitchen and found a group of people huddled in fear. Bang then remembered something before dashing back out to the counter... only to bring a baseball bat with him. "[color=82ca9d]Who wants this?[/color]" He asked simply. When a man slightly taller than Bang raised a hand, the boxer immediately handed him the bat. Bang then looked around the kitchen, only to grab what appeared to be a square, metal table with several brownies on it. Without any regard for the food, the boxer quickly grabbed the metal object as he lifted it up with some effort. It was heavy, but he had no right to complain when it was one of the few things he could use to defend people. "[color=82ca9d]Okay, let's go,[/color]" Bang commanded the hostages as he power-walked out of the kitchen with a metal table in his hands. Soon, the boxer power-walked his way down the cafe with many of the hostages running in a single file line to the exit. The man with the baseball bat swung his weapon at a Clown, effectively knocking the Clown on the ground, before following the line. As the hostages filed out of the building, however, Bang heard a scream and turned to its direction. One of the maids was held captive by a Clown who had wrapped an arm around her with a knife on his other hand. "[color=fff200]Bruh, you better watch what you do,[/color]" the Smiley Clown said with a smug tone. "[color=fff200]We like doing this stuff! What could possibly get you to stop-[/color]" Bang suddenly dropped his table and picked up a white mug and threw it directly at the man's face with intense speed, causing it to shatter upon impact. Some of the shards fell into the man's eyes, causing the masked Clown to scream as he shoved the woman away. Taking a step onto a wooden table, Bang propelled himself towards the Clown with a tightly clenched boxing glove above his head. The boxer delivered an airborne haymaker and used his momentum to knock the man out. As the Clown fell, he dropped his knife, which Bang proceeded to pick up... ...before realizing he had no idea on how to actually use a knife. He would look forward to Cooking class should he ever decided to master the culinary arts- [i][color=82ca9d]This isn't the time to be thinking about culinary arts,[/color][/i] Bang interrupted himself naturally as he turned to the frightened maid. "[color=82ca9d]Let's go, don't stop moving,[/color]" he said in a calm, yet strong voice. ... ... ...In his first week, he faced the dilemma of getting sent to detention right after sparring with some sort of dracula guy. He then experienced the feeling of being within a building that slowly flew apart. ... ... ... ... ... And now he was getting people held hostage out of a cafe from a terrorism filled with armed people, super power heroes, and Wilhelm screamers. . . . . . . . . [h1][center][i][color=82ca9d][b][u]10/10 i cri evrytiem.[/u][/b][/color][/i][/center][/h1] . . Once the maid ran out of the building, Bang turned to the cafe one last time before running out of the building as well. Thanks to the many things that distracted the Clowns, no one paid any attention to the hostages leaving. The boxer took a deep breath and made sure the hostages left the building safely. He then wondered what he should do. [hr] [h1][color=ed1c24]THE 7TH[/color][/h1] Slamming open the restroom door, a man wearing a gas mask and a pitch-black trench coat entered the cafe. Yuuma had called him out; not that it mattered. It was inevitable that he would be found in the end, anyway. Walking up into the cafe with a heavy machine gun- which, the tip of the weapon seemed to let out a never-ending stream of smoke- the masked man glared at Yuuma with dead silence. "[color=ed1c24]...[/color]" Without saying anything, the man raised his weapon at Yuuma as a faint, orange glow appeared at its tip. He then launched a streak of magma-coated bullets towards the Esper and his friend (Kishiko).