From what short time he was in this forest Talan had learned much of its nature. This place was more than just a gathering of trees and other plant life. In truth that would be a rather dull understanding of it for in truth the forest seemed to be alive. A single massive organism reacting to outside stimulus, to survive here one had to be careful not to trigger a potentially fatal response from the forest. After crafting his spear Talan went to river and collected a good amount of mud in his hands. Smearing it allover hisbody he intended to form a type of camouflage incase he would stumble upon unfriendly entities. [color=fff200][i]"Food and shelter"[/i][/color], were his only thoughts as he traveled further down the river. The entire time watching his peripheral vision incase he was being followed, it was not long before he stumbled upon a structure in the forest. It was unlike anything the tribe had back home but from a guess it appeared to be a housing unit. Talan was tempted for a moment to enter but was quickly reminded of the dangers of this forest. So far he had never known the wilds to produce illusions such as this but he was wary. Instead he decided to wait and see, if there was anything signalling danger he'd move on but until then he'd set up camp not too far but a safe distance away. Looking around for resources was not an issue as the forest was quite dense in vegetation. The broken twigs and scattered stones were perfect for firemaking and after finding a spot near the river he placed his supplies in a heap. First was fire; it would keep him warm, cook food, and ward off predators. After setting up the rocks in a circular pattern he places the twigs and branches within the circle making sure they would not cause a fire the likes of the one he recently escaped. The fireplace was ready but the hard part was next, actually getting the fire. It took more than a few tries and a bit of cursing but Talan managed to get a small fire burning. Unsatisfied with the results he went and gathered larger twigs to add to the pile and eventually the small flame grew into a proper fire. When it came to building shelter Talan came upon an obstacle. Should he build his shelter on the ground or in the nearby tree. The tree would offer him security from grounded predators but at the cost of being less comfortable. The ground, while being the more reliable source of a good night's sleep left him vulnerable if anything approached his campsite while he slept. Favoring security, Talan began to place large leaves on a particularly large branch of a tree nearby. With the future bed matted down he wove a string from the fibers of the various plants nearby to secure him to the tree while he slept. The bed was made, the campfire set, and all that remained was a source of food. As he was unfamiliar with the berries in the area Talan opted fruits out of his diet as they could be poisonous. Perhaps there were fish in the river? He didn't see any at first but perhaps they were scared off and went further down river? If that was the case he'd have to leave the camp and travel a good distance downstream if that were the case. At the time it seemed his only real option was to hunt the area. After scouting the perimeter of the camp Talan was satisfied with its safety and headed out to hunt, but before doing so he memorized the area and key landmarks so he would not become lost while out hunting.