[@Phobos][@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] Unexpectedly, the Captain's door flew open, which the sudden noise made Nairin jump a little as she was closest to the door. Swinging her face towards the noise, the girl's voice, Aya's, filled the room. Nairin was just about to scowl before noticing that she only had one arm. [color=9932CC][i]'THE FUCK?!'[/i][/color] Nairin's jaw fell open slightly as her eyes widened during the pipsqueak's speech. [color=9932CC][i]'Was this... because I didn't call for the Captain's help?'[/i][/color] Nairin knew that Aya needed medical attention, but the fact that she was missing a bloody arm wasn't mentioned to her at all, atleast she didn't remember it being mentioned. Her widened eyes skimmed to the girl's face, watching the left side of it as she spoke to the Captain, trying to take responsibility of the mission herself. It seemed the three of them blamed themselves for the mess. When Aya mentioned her name, Nairin tore her eyes away and scowled in a different direction, gritting her teeth a little behind her lips as she was reminded of the state she let those damn hollows get her in. The girl finished talking, and that was when the Captain gave his opinion. Nairin re-adjusted her face to a neutral expression before looking up at the Captain to show that she was giving him her full, undivided attention. [i][color=gray]"Nairin, you failed to follow your superiors orders and allowed emotions to take control. Aya means well, if she hadnt done what she done then those hollows would of gone to the Rukon districts and massacred the citizens."[/color][/i] Nairin looked down after hearing this, so if Aya hadn't done what she did, more bodies would of weighed on Nairin's conscience since she still probably wouldn't of called for the Captain's help. Whether it'd be one or a million, she'd feel the same, rotten for causing the deaths of souls she didn't intend to kill, for making a stupid a mistake. But, luckily it never got that far... It had turned out the Captain had been misinformed, and due to this he declared that the three of them passed the mission. Nairin wasn't happy with her pass, she was most likely the biggest failure out of the three since she could of prevented Aya loosing an arm and Shinzo from having to save her and go back to rescue Aya if she had just used that damn cloth! The mission could of been more successful, she had the means but was way too prideful to use them. Despite this, Nairin didn't regret her decision. She could of prevented alot, but if flung back into the same situation, she'd most likely do the same thing she did last time. Once the Captain dismissed the group, Nairin left the room, following after Shinzo again. She heard him speak, in which she sighed. [color=9932CC][b]"You're telling me"[/b][/color] She casually answered. Atleast the Captain wasn't as mad as she had expected him to be, then again he did got to the hollow's nest and saw for himself what the three of them had to deal with.