[@Kitsune][@LokiLeo789] Sai stood back, watching both Yukio and Akira spar. The both of them displayed great talents that Sai couldn't help but feel a little giddy over. Within such a short time, the Squad Thirteen Captain had gained quite a few skilled fighters, what good luck she had! Smiling while watching, Sai felt a vibration emit from within the left pocket of her Haori. Stuffing her left hand into her pocket, she flipped her communicator open and answered the call. [color=a187be][b]"Koyo-shi?"[/b][/color] She responded, a little taken aback from receiving a call from her new recruit. Instantly in the depths of her stomach, Sai sensed that the girl may have bad news from the sound of her voice alone. But, Sai chose to keep quiet as Koyo-shi continued to talk and explain what had happened. The whole time, Sai had her right hand over her mouth in shock. Even though Koyo-shi and Zento didn't return as she had ordered them to if something had happened, Sai wasn't mad, she was a little too worried to be mad at them at the moment. [color=a187be][b]"Oh my goodness! You two return immediately! But first go to Squad Four and seek medical help! In fact, I'll meet you at Squad Four, I'll send out a replacement right this second to keep an eye on things just incase there is another attack. I order both you and Zento to go straight to Squad Four understood? We'll talk about this when I meet up with you two there later Okay?"[/b][/color] Sai hoped the two of them weren't in too much of a bad condition, but she couldn't help but mentally curse herself for not sending out a supervisor. She did think about it at first, but she thought the two of them would of been able to handle being on a post together, which in a way she was right since they did take care of the threat while keeping themselves alive. [center]| Koyo-Shi already awarded [b]7 points[/b] for Mission via [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2622894]OOC[/url] | | Zento Ray already awarded [b]7 points[/b] for Mission via [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2622894]OOC[/url] | [/center]