Paige watched in awe as a white dragon appeared from the golden light. She knew she should have been freaked out by it but she wasn't. The little creature actually intrigued her. Part of her was frightened, she'll admit, of the dangers that stood ahead, but flashes of her home life kept popping into her head. There were so many things she had missed out on, friends, high school, boyfriends, everything normal girls went through. While she wasn't planning on dating anyone soon, it was clear she wasn't your typical girl. The whole reason she moved to the big city was to find the truth behind her abilities. Now she had. Who was she to run away from it? In fact, it seemed a little exciting. This was her chance to experience the world and give a reason for her existence. She looked around again and raised her hand, waiting for everyone to finish speaking. "If I could put it in a word, please. I get why most of you just want to run away and leave this to someone else to fix. But if what Phil and Toran said is true, we may the only ones who can help. Haven't you ever wondered why you had these magical abilities? I certainly have. I always wanted to know why me out of billions of people was born with this power. I don't want to live my life only using my gift for myself. If I think about it more, I feel like I've been selfish. There's so many ways all of us can help this world, why don't we start now? If we don't, there might not be a world to wake up in tomorrow. I'll admit I'm terrified for my life and for all of yours, but I don't want to live the rest of my life knowing I could have done something to help," Serena said and turned to Phil "I'll do whatever you need to help defeat these Vygorns, you can count on me."