Have at, if you'd like. ;) Here are my NPCs. And if you don't see someone you want, feel free to message me about that, or if you have any ideas for a meeting. :) [hider=Augusta Finley] [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130104060527/doblaje/es/images/5/5d/Zolabeastly.jpg[/img] 53 [url=http://www.yukon-news.com/media/images/2009/march/11/bison.jpg]Bison[/url] Earth 3 Affinity- Steady power and shields No nonsense, but with a hidden sense of humour, Aggy's been known to pull a prank or two without giving anything away. And she's notorious among the younger Park staff for being hard to figure out. She's not the most friendly, but she's open to company and very protective and passionate of the things she believes need protecting. She is, currently, keeping close to Park boundaries and setting up a long term camp for emergency use, so not readily available for choice, but I thought I'd share her along with the others. ;) [/hider] [hider=Emery Kingston] [img]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a177/Trivia13/ARPG/NPCs/Vincent-Cassel-001.jpg[/img] 46 [url=http://content.yardmap.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/6/files/2012/01/Big_Brown_Bat_RichardSajdak.jpg]Big Brown Bat[/url] Air 4 Affinity- movement A good croupier and friendly face around Casino Lethbridge, he knows how to play a good game of cards and keep up with someone who's had a few too many to drink. He smiles more for show than for happiness these days, but he's not unhappy, just doesn't see why he needs to advertise feeling satisfied with life. Not the most outgoing, he is good at faking it, but he's just as likely to build a card castle as start a conversation with someone if he's stuck waiting in a room with them. He's been broadening his horizons a little bit with some continuing education classes recently, and has discovered an unexpected interest in astronomy. Or maybe he just forgot about wanting to be an astronaut when he was five. [/hider] [hider=Ruth-Ann Elise Avingale] [img]http://ih2.redbubble.net/image.3775881.7658/flat,550x550,075,f.jpg[/img] 81 Pigeons Water 2 Affinity- sensitivity From a rich family, Ruth-Ann married below her station, but at least the man she fell in love with had money of his own by the time they got married. She's always been a diligent caretaker and has always been there to offer a warmly teasing support of his ventures. She's raised three children to adulthood and while she can't quite keep her nose out of other peoples' business, she does keep her mouth shut unless it's to offer advice that may or may not be wanted. Now that they're both old and retired, she takes up her time with book clubs, her church group and people watching while she feeds her birds. [/hider] [hider=Landen Bernard Avingale] [img]http://blogs.voanews.com/tedlandphairsamerica/files/2011/07/04-man-and-bird1.jpg[/img] 84 Not bonded A successful landowner and businessman, Landen's a smiling face with no regrets but a few hard memories to live with. He's got a bad leg from the war and a bad heart from old age, but he's still alive and that's good enough for him. He accompanies his wife on her excursions to the park and feeds her birds with her sometimes, or if she's feeling under the weather, he'll feed them for her. That way she can be sure to never miss a day. [/hider] [hider=Nikhil Darzi] [img]http://files.myopera.com/b%C3%A3O/albums/2033291/%3Bl%3B.jpg[/img] 24 [url=http://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.1100574!/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpeg]Cougar[/url] Fire 1 Water 1 Affinity- Steamed rice... But really... he'll need to work on balancing his elements before he can do anything more useful Hard-working, just not in the direction his parents were hoping for, he skipped a lengthy university degree and went into the gaming industry with a lot of imagination but no great reccomendations under his belt. He's got a certificate and a laaarge portfolio, but right now, he's working at McDonald's. He gets flustered a lot and defensive about his life choices, but there's not a jot of bad blood in him, and he'd rather forgive and forget than hold any sort of grudge. [/hider]