Gwen's jaw dropped as she saw the dragon. It was pretty damn cool and she started to wonder if she could get one of those. "Well, I can't get showed up by the girl who totally face planted earlier today," she decided aloud, slightly teasing Paige. "I guess I'm in too." "The girl is a bit too preachy, but she's got a point." she began then turned to Jason. "You may not go outside much, but I'm sure if you can take on zombies in video games, you can learn how to handle some Vygoms in real life. And if you can't, well I'll just freaking heal your sorry, lazy ass with my powers." She said the next part to everyone. "This really isn't my scene, and maybe you all are probably just as confused as I am. But it'd be kind of cool trying to play hero. I know you all feel that this is the right thing to do anyhow." She started to feel a bit embarrassed at her 'outburst'. God, why was she acting so weird today? But she meant what she said, somewhere deep down she knew that she had a role in this.