[@samreaper] An oddly specific claim, but Kamon wasn't going to say anything about it. So far the fight has been even between Zheng and Toto, Zheng gaining the upper hand after his Fist of the Monkey King had struck the clone. The most logical decision would be that his master was going to win the fight in a few moments now that the clone's flow of reaitsu had been hindered and yet Kamon didn't think that. [color=0054a6]"Master will lose and Ike will win." [/color] He didn't hesitate with his words; he was honest with what he though, painfully honest at times. It seemed that Ike had won though the man covered Toto in flames in his rage. It seemed like that the so called real Toto was a clone as well. Now all that had to happen was for Zheng to get his ass handed to him by the seated shinigami once the clone was done playing with him. [@Phobos] Success! The punch met its mark and it had taken effect of the clone's body, revealing straws that the clone was made off and a limp arm. But even when Toto was in a pickle he still didn't take the spar seriously at all. He was just toying with Zheng, humoring him with a spar only to just get a gauge of his strength. If Toto wanted to he could finish the spar in a quick instant against an unseated shinigami that just graduated from the academy. Thinking about that would only distract him from the spar at hand. The Fist of the Monkey King had worked, but it will only last for only so long so he had to make this fast. [color=f26522]"How about this?"[/color] Zheng shunpoed and soon closed the gap between them and held his arms up with his elbows and shoulders up with the head down to protect his chin. He then began to send a quick barrage of flicker jabs; straight jabs that focus more on speed than power that seemed to look more like flicks. With his Tempered Iron Will around his fists still, the jabs would feel like iron slamming against the body.