Penelope looked ahead towards the wagon and gave a small yawn. Part of her wished she could risk taking a nap on their trip but she wasn't about to test her luck with either Crow or William. Mainly William. Crow had gained quite a bit of her trust from the night before since he had chosen to help her rather than run away. There was a form of respect for the thief since he had kept his word, something that wasn't common among most of the people Penelope dealed with. Though, it was likely that she wouldn't be very willing to admit such a thing, especially when he tried to escape just the other day as well. She turned her head to look over at the thief as he came up besides her. A small smirk of amusement crossed over her lips. "You're quite the sight seer aren't you?" she comment as she recalled the small pond where he had taken her before. Penelope walked ahead and climbed up into the wagon as usual. She sat down with her legs stretched out in front of her. Wanting to wake up a bit more, the knight began to do a few simple stretching exercises as she leaned forward to touch her toes. William and Abraxas both mounted their horses once both Penelope and Crow had entered the wagon. Penelope paused as the wagon gave the usual tug before beginning to move. Her gaze then flickered over to Crow. "Ah, so what all is there to learn?" she asked him. With plenty of time to waste, she figured that they might as well use it wisely. "The accents and all... Might as well get a jumpstart on it."