[@bunnita]--characters will be meeting up with established characters on the road (river actually). New characters may be friends with one another, or solo, or escaped from their village, or any of a myriad of other options. I'm comfortable working with whatever someone prefers, the commonality will be that a) their home is no longer available to them b) everyone they cared about has vanished mysteriously or been killed and c) the dark god is in some way connected to this trouble. More about that is available in the first post of the OOC & the first post of the Characters tab (see link below) as well as through me who will happily look at the history/background of the character and see how we can weave it into the story. [@Liar]--you are most welcome to come on over, read any pertinent info, and draft up a character. (see link below) @everyone else--you are also welcome to come on over and see what we are up to, draft up a character, etc. (see link below) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47498-rites-of-passage-a-high-fantasy-forgotten-realms-adventure/ooc]OOC[/url] First post in the OOC and first post in the Character tab have lots of good info on the story. If you wish to read the story in full I'm sorry...I began it in the Casual section and when I realized that was a bit too casual I moved to advanced. Thus the beginning of the story is lost in the ether somewhere. Questions, comments, help with Character sheets, double chocolate chip cookies, I'll be over there to help with any of that. I hope to see you there.