Akira Akira cursed silently, they were very much outnumbered, and while he did his best to fend off the vampire horde, he wasn't even close to his full ability, unable to use even Red Devil as it just made them go into a frenzy. He had suffered a few grazing blows in the scuffle, but they were strong enough that it felt like he probably fractured a few of his bones from how much it hurt. And to top it off, another one appeared, obviously the leader from the look of him and how he caused the other vampires to scatter with but a gesture. But all that left his mind when the monster named him in particular, or to be precise, mentioned the situation surrounding his past. Akira's blood ran cold as he felt his anger build with in him, but he was barely able to hold it back. If just one more thing was said, however, he'd lose control of himself, of that he was certain.[i]How does he know that, the only people should no that would be the heads of the Academy[/i] Even after hearing Nishihara's warning, even with him holding back his anger as much as he could, knowing full well he was basically helpless against this foe, his feet started moving before he could comprehend what was happening, rushing him forward as he activated Red Devil, no longer caring about how it was basically a boost to them as he just wanted to punch this man right in his arrogant face. "If you want to dance, then fine, let's dance!" Akira yeled as he rocketed forward, aiming to launch solid jab to the Man's face as he sat in the throne. Dylan "Fuck if I know, I'm still wondering why you're invisible friend decided to throw her bra along with her sword if she though we were the cultists, maybe be the culprit stabbed her with some kind of spike, which is plausible since we're dealing with a cult and they have shit like that, or it could be dealing with some kind of magic as well." Dylan looked down at the girl for a time, before he reached down and closed her still open eyes, his other hand clenched in a fist. While he liked to fight, he despised killing, seeing it as a last resort for when their is no other choice. To see this poor girl's life taken so easily and so mercilessly, it enraged him and made him want to punch something until it was broken. "I hope these cultist show up soon, cause now I'm pissed off." [@Masaki Haurna]