[i]"Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name..." Elijah Cassidy was praying, his full lips moving as he recited the Lord's Prayer. His head tilted upwards, pale hands clasped together in a mixture of hope laced with fear. He was to go West, away from his adopted father and the place where he had grown up in. The place where he had found his savior. While he was happy that he was ordained to priesthood, Eli couldn't help but recall the nasty rumors about the western lands. It seemed as though the wild free region would never be tamed. However, it was his duty, no, he wanted to spread the word to every poor soul out there. Like how God saved him, Eli was determined to save even the worst criminals. [/i] --- 'Hot' was the first word that crossed Eli's mind. The sun's rays scorched his light skin and he felt faint with every step he took. He already longed for the cool days back in Massachusetts. Despite the heat, Eli still donned his black clerical clothes and stepped outside, a worn Bible clutched in his hands. It had only been a mere two days before he was to be a witness to a hanging. Back in Massachusetts, there were several public hangings but Eli never took part of it. He just couldn't bear to watch someone die, even if that someone had committed atrocious crimes. The judge seemed amused when Eli arrived, stating that he and the executioners were undoubtedly doing the Lord's work. Those words seemed to fly through him, however, as the priest's eyes were on the criminal. A large man stepped up the structure, turning to face the crowd as he began to list out the man's crimes. Certainly a long list, but Eli took no mind to that. Instead, his stomach lurched as he watched the noose being tightened around the man's neck. The executioner pushed the man toward the trap and - Oh Lord. The man who was about to die looked straight at Eli, acknowledging the priest's presence. He was definitely going to pass out. A man's life was going to end right in front of him. The townsfolk didn't seem to pity the poor man. Didn't the Holy Bible speak of love for all of God's creation? That their Lord was merciful and gracious... "Wait," he muttered, his mouth suddenly going dry. His adopted father has always told him to follow his heart. Perhaps the Lord would agree with his decision to help the convict... "Wait!" He called out louder, drawing the peoples attention. "You can't do this -" The judge cut the priest off rather rudely. "Finn Casey broke the law -" And Eli continued on as if the Judge had never spoken up. "I realize that Finn Casey is a criminal and does deserve to be hanged," he began, his voice ringing clear. "But Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. Give Finn Casey a chance to change for the better." Eli paused, his thoughts jumbling in his mind. He asked himself the same question the others were probably thinking right now: [i]"Exactly how will Finn Casey change?" [/i] "I will take in Finn Casey and teach him to become a law-abiding citizen as well as a follower of God. I promise you that he will be a different man if you allow him to live just this once. Have faith!"