Huh. Okay. They were Hygorns and said masked guy was corrupt so they, er, Phil and dragon needed to stop him. A sigh escaped from Sunny's lips as she took a closer look at the others. There was a guy who controlled earth and another who could control metal. Hmm. Oh, and the teenager was totally freaking out right now. However, the girl who had fallen earlier seemed invigorated by new-found courage, offering her help to Phil and Toran. The other girl also agreed, mentioning something about 'healing'. Cool. Phil began to talk to the teenager, calling him 'the shadow'. Earth, metal, maybe light, and shadow. Phil even offered to teach them how to use their element and about the Vygorns and their plan, asking the others to join him. Sunny rubbed her forehead, shifting into a more relaxed stance. Despite the nagging feeling Sunny felt in her stomach, she nodded. "Sure. 'bout time someone stood up against the Vygorns. The name's Sunny," she said. "I've got control over lightning."