[b][u]Enned System Present Day[/u][/b] When the survey vessel that had rediscovered the Ennedi home system twelve days ago had departed, they left two redundant signal buoys behind, so that the system could be visited again later. The ship in question had been commissioned and operated by the Straylight Institution, an international xenoarcheology organization with the stated goal of preserving Galactic History throughout the ages. An old organization, but a modest one making a meager living as it established itself amongst the spacefaring nations of note who would accept them. Their members were constituted of many different species, and their archive of historical events was said to extend as far into the past as two hundred thousand or more Human years. A remarkable accomplishment, considering the Institution itself was much younger. When the Institute had learned of the rediscovery of the Ennedi Home System, they had immediately scrambled to gather as many assets and allies as they could, in order to be the first force to occupy, secure, and survey the system. They had known that had they taken too long, unwanted elements would have undoubtedly discovered the information, and the system would have been plundered by innumerable scavengers. Straylight had moved to gain funding, manpower and backing from two nations. The Federation of Sol and The Ryukyu Empire, two rising powers who had yet to establish contact brought together by the Institution. The Seventh Division of the GNT was recruited in order to help ensure the system was kept secure and to 'promote' bipartisonship between the two factions. Together, the joined forces formed the E.R.C. - The Ennedi Restoration Committee. Today, their efforts would begin. Approximately five million kilometers from the surface of the dead Ennedi home world, space bubbled and bloomed as the Straylight [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/154/9/f/challenger__holden_dawn__by_jacobcharlesdietz-d524ul8.jpg]survey vessel[/url] [i]Letona's Gaze[/i] emerged from a wormhole terminus. Aboard, a large group of scientists and researchers crowded around an extremely aggravated Captain on the ship's bridge, where they watched with bated breath as sensor readings began to flood across the central viewscreen. The captain preemptively signaled the sensors officer to voice a report in order to head off any of the pests from bombarding him with questions. "As expected, the system is arranged in a binary configuration with one supergiant and one dwarf star. Three planets in-system, two showing signs of intense surface compression indicating they were until recently gas giants. Planet Enned appears to lack an atmosphere but retains a magnetosphere. High levels of ionizing radiation and cosmic ray exposure. Multiple complex, artificial structures detected in the form of a [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/298/b/8/district_9_alien_homeworld_by_peterprime-d5iw4qo.jpg]surface spanning infrastructure[/url]. Minimal debris and surface perturbations. No vital or biometric signs of any kind. All structures appear inert, and there are no patterned frequencies or artificial signatures emanating from the planet." "What about the Starbase? Have you scanned it yet?" One of the researchers asked, just as the entire crowd leapt on the brief pause in order to expel a hundred and one questions. The Captain ground their teeth together in aggravation. "Yes, the report said the Starbase had several exterior rings and pylons. Do you see any evidence of-" "-gars or exterior entrances of any kind, alternatively do you see any cables or extensions th-" "-osite alloys in the makeup of its frame..." "Quiet on the bridge!" The Captain spoke in a loud tone, not quite a yell but not intended for use indoors. "Officer, proceed with your report." "[url=http://tkingart.deviantart.com/art/Terra-Space-Station-HD-1080p-160187368]The Starbase[/url] shows signs of surface ablation and degradation along the exterior rings and on portions of the main hull. Laser-carbon stream places the structure's age at approximately eighty million Human years in age. Overall structure appears to be largely uniform and seamless where there is no damage, contrary to its appearance. Hull material does not appear to be a conventional alloy, it is highly conductive with an ordered crystalline structure. It also appears to be somewhat porous and brittle. There are no readily apparent points of entry, no frequencies or transmissions, no power sources or emission sources. The Starbase is inert and cold." "Ok then, this is your show Professor Shiru. How are we going to proceed?" The Captain asked, turning to a figure standing at the rear of the crowd - a Human female, the first of her species' kind to head a major Xenoarcheology expedition within the confines of the Straylight Institute. She adapted a thoughtful stance for a moment, staring hard at the back of another scientist's shirt for several moments before speaking. "Alright everyone. Here is what we are going to do..." [center][b][s]888888888888[/s][/b][/center] Several minutes later, the Federation delegation arrived, their ships arriving in a flash of infrared light as their negative mass drives powered down. When they had heard about the discovery of the Ennedi home system, they had been quick to offer their assistance...and had also been quick to make it abundantly clear that they would operate in whatever manner they deemed fit - and that they would be establishing their own expeditions alongside that of the ERC. The response had not been one the Straylight Institute was entirely appreciative about, but it had been too late to backpedal. At the very least, the Federation had been generous with their funding and had sent quite a few assets. An entire [url=http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/common/sto/uploads/cstore_news_050212_STO_CaitianCarrier.png]carrier[/url] ship with a full compliment of [url=http://www.voxexmachina.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/catian-atrox-carrier-long_thumb.png]fighter drones[/url], two [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MdKl0g3uj5g/U-j8bq8tG4I/AAAAAAAAbmU/FuBkRxfyGzY/s1600/Star+Trek+Online+Xindi-Aquatic+Narcine+Dreadnought+Carrier.jpg]frigate escorts[/url], and an entire convoy of [url=http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/254/aegisfreighter.png]cargo vessels[/url] being used to haul equipment and supplies. At least the expedition sites would be secure and readily supplied, because of them. Next to arrive was a GNT [url=http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/sunrider.gamepedia.com/2/25/Sunrider_sprite.png]Assault Carrier[/url]. When the Federation had revealed that it was not beyond pursuing its own agenda, the Institute had used a portion of their generous funding to enlist the aid of the Sekos' seventh military division in order to 'encourage' a proper bipartisan relationship with the Federation. They would help to provide much of the manpower needed for the duration of the extensive mapping surveys that would take place in the Ennedi cities and the starbase interior once it had been breached. Several minutes passed before the late third arrival appeared, the Ryukyu delegation's [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-weKPDas6Wq0/UYFCAOw5E8I/AAAAAAAAAf4/Um8RffbY8fk/w800-h800/%25E9%25B8%25A1%25E6%25A3%259A.jpg]destroyer[/url] and [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/halofanon/images/b/b7/Remembrance-class_frigate.png/revision/latest?cb=20110809041303]frigate[/url] both appearing more than fifteen million kilometers away from the agreed upon rendezvous point. This was due in part to the relatively inaccurate and troublesome nature of the Ryuan gravity drive, which was not renowned for its reliability. Once the late party had sent affirmations to [i]Letona's Gaze[/i], the Straylight Surveyor sent a dispatch transmission to all three of the forces. [hider=E.R.C. Agenda][b][i]Welcome to the Enned system. We are about to engage in an expedition of unrivaled import and significance. The rediscovery of the Ennedi homesystem represents the greatest historical find in over two-hundred thousand years, especially considering the good condition of the remnant structures. By the end of the expedition, all of us will have made history. As a general reminder to all parties however, please be aware that the structures on Enned itself, as well as the Starbase, are over eighty million years old. We are not even sure how they have managed to survive this long without any kind of apparent maintenance, but if Ennedi ruins elsewhere in the galaxy are anything to go by time has probably not treated these places well. Please proceed with utmost caution and care while you are here. Nobody wants history to remember them as the one who ruined the greatest historical find in the galaxy in two hundred thousand years. Also note that this expedition was mounted under the assumed tenants of transparency, good will, and cooperation. It is strongly encouraged that all parties present share information on all surveys, sites of note, recovered artifacts, and technological finds. The Straylight Institute will hold itself to these basic tenants, and it is expected of the rest of you as well. Some of you present are not familiar with each other, hailing from different regions of the galaxy and not having made prior contact with each other. Included as an attachment to this message are indices for the most commonly used languages amongst all of our respective parties, for the intended purpose of facilitating cooperation and willing communication. The Expedition Agenda will proceed as outlined: The Starbase does not have any apparent means of entry. The Straylight vessel [Letona's Gaze] will spend the next few days preparing a controlled breach in its hull that may be sealed and permit for entry. The Straylight staff and the crew of the vessel in question all possess extensive experience in accessing vulnerable space-structures in the described manner, and other parties are encouraged to refrain from interacting with the starbase in order to prevent accidents or loss of valuable archeological data. However, as there is a recognized need for security, scheduled patrols of strike-craft within its immediate vicinity are acceptable. Please be sure to file all relevant flight-plans with each other in order to prevent conflicts in patrol schedules and routes. The GNT Seventh Division will send a force planetside in order to establish a staging area for our mutual use. It is highly recommended you wait for the staging ground to be established and for your own respective groups to be issued clearance to make planetfall. Once the Expedition basecamp has been established, mapping surveys will commence using aerial drones and strike-craft, followed by urban surveying on foot by squads from the Seventh division, Straylight personnel, and anybody who may wish to accompany them. Once the Starbased has been breached and an entry point established, the GNT Seventh Division will enter and clear a Staging Area within its confines for our use. All entry to the Starbase must occur through the specific point of entry, which may take considerable time to arrange for all personnel who wish to work within its confines. The Seventh Division will survey the interior on foot by squad, again with attending Straylight personnel and accompaniment by other parties. During all surveys, items of interest, artifacts, and technology samples must be appropriately noted, documented, cataloged, and secured before they can be transported. For this reason, do not disturb such items upon the initial find. Map their location and leave behind notes for a collection team. It goes without saying that theft or illegal seizure of any items is a criminal offense. In the interest of diplomatic courtesy, individuals caught with stolen items will be remanded to the custody of their parent party. While we cannot force anybody to prosecute, any known thieves will be summarily barred and ejected from all expedition sites. With all that tedious policy out of the way, let the Expedition begin. We will be the first beings to set foot on this world in eighty million years. Treasure the moment. Take the time to discuss proceedings and contact protocols with each other. Let's all make history.[/i][/b][/hider] The [i]Letona's Gaze[/i] then turned and broke off, making a slow and cautious approach to the Ennedi starbase.