Jason needed a bit to calm his mind. Pulling himself up from the wall and holding it to keep himself standing straight. They looked around the room. Everyone was older than him, which is bad. It means he'd probably end up as little more than a load. On the other hand, three were on board right now. And Gwen's words, while they kind of stung, did ring true. "I'm so going to regret all of this shit..." They mumbled, inhaling deeply. "Fuck it. I'm in. I'll see what happens. If something happens and we need to leave though, I at least want to say goodbye to my mom alright? She may be a b- Nag sometimes, but she's still my mom. Now uh... Excuse me for a bit. If you don't mind I'm going outside to get some fresh air. Come and get me when everyone's answer's been set." Whew... What a mouthful. The now-shadow classified elemental walked back up the stairs, wanting nothing more than just a few breaths to calm himself.