[color=8dc73f][b][u]Kathryn[/u][/b][/color] It had been a long day for Kate. First it was getting settled at Orean, then exploring the area, after that the party where she found a potential band member and...something else which she still wasn't sure about. All in all it had been a busy first day of school and she was glad to get back to her dorm and call it a night. The same couldn't be said for Aaron and Jessie who ran off to that skate park of theirs, [color=8dc73f][i]"Hopefully they don't get into too much trouble"[/i][/color] she thought as she opened the door to her dorm. After taking a shower, changing into some night clothes, and brushing her teeth she laid back on her bed with her phone in hand and headphones on her head. Listening to one of, if not, her [url=https://youtu.be/e_mcplFhU6c]favorite song[/url]. It was then that Kate had the realization that this was still school and shed have to wake up tomorrow for classes, [color=8dc73f][i]"Huh...well it's what I'm here for"[/i][/color] she shrugged her shoulders before turning on her side to go to sleep. [hr] [color=fff200][b][u]Aaron[/u][/b][/color] Excluding...whatever it was that happened in that one guy's dorm, today had been pretty good for Aaron. Orean's party was pretty good but the real fun came at the afterparty. Now he was returning to his dorm, crossing the campus grounds occupied by scattered groups of either drunk or overly energetic students looking for some more fun before night's end. As for Aaron he had his fill and was happy to get back to his dorm. That's when a problem occurred...he forgot his dorm number. [color=fff200][b]"Son of a-where the hell is this damn dorm!...oh it's here"[/b][/color], he said with slight surprise and a growing feeling of stupidity after realizing he was standing at the door. Upon unlocking the door he immediately kicked the door open and it swung with the speed of a cat chasing a laser pointer. Unfortunately for Aaron the door bounced off the wall and hit him in the face. [color=fff200][b]"....fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"[/b][/color], he yelled as he stumbled into the dorm, throwing his skateboard somewhere on the ground and plopping himself on the couch. He flicked on the tv and laid there as he went through channels upon channels of nothing. [color=fff200][b]"Nothing. Of course"[/b][/color], he said as he got up to make himself something to eat before going to bed. That's when he noticed someone laying on [i]his bed[/i]. He knew it was his because the crumbs from Kate's poptart were still there. [color=fff200][b]"Unless you want brown sugar cinnamon on your ass, you might want to move from there"[/b][/color], he said lazily as he opened the fridge to find, oh yeah nothing, because he only bought candy! [color=fff200][b]"Oh yeah no food...hey roomie I'm headin' out to get groceries you want anything?"[/b][/color], he said slamming the fridge door and looking back to Katya.