"I am~," the demon replied in a singy-sangy voice, hands behind his back and face occupied with a wide, somewhat catty grin at her reaction. The surprise in her voice and actions was endearing, just what he'd hoped to see. "Hee, I told you I was fine, didn't I? I'm kind of strong, see." He pointed at himself with both thumps, chest puffed as if to emphasize his point. "So, I g-" Whatever words he was about to say got stuck on his tongue as he noticed the condition of the girl's hand. The glint in his eyes faded a bit, and although his smile still stayed, it wasn't as wide and certainly not as genuine as few seconds prior. And when he spoke, his voice wasn't kiddy. It was cold. "You're hurt." His blue eyes narrowed as he shot a glare at the kettle innocently sitting on the table. The thought that [i]he[/i] was the true cause behind the burn didn't even cross his mind. It was the kettle that had burned her, so it was the kettle that had to pay. The demon took a step closer to the girl, and the second the tip of his shoe touched the floor, the kettle suddenly exploded into a thousand tiny shards. Yet, curiously, the shards and water sent flying around the room missed the girl and the demon entirely. "Show me," the demon almost ordered from behind his smile, voice barely audible in the middle of the noise made by the shards ricocheting against walls and floor alike. Without waiting for an answer, he extended a hand to try and grab the girl's injured hand in his own for closer inspection. He didn't want his human broken this early on.