[quote=@t2wave] I got a full time job. It can be rough starting until you get used to the schedule. Then it's just another day and not so taxing. [/quote] My job isn't actually like that. I'm a Senior Employment Consultant for the Workforce Development department of a major not for profit foundation in the City of Baltimore, I do a lot of business contacts and take point in networking for my organization at a variety of local political and business community events. I also have a strong hand in devising a strategy to get people employed through these networking operations. On the other hand, I just recently left a job as a chef where I was on my feet all those hours. My practical advice is to go to a Dr. Scholl's stand, do the feet-scan thing and get the insoles for your shoes. In choosing shoes, go for something wide-footed and high-topped for a work shoe with non slips. Put the insoles in that. Insanely comfortable. I actually like working the events with business cards and chit-chat, because that's when I really get shit done and get to move around. A lot of the work is then following up on those initial contacts. Anyway, the post is up, and yes, the consequences of attacking the Steak Knife are now felt. We can discuss which characters know what about Major Gordon.