I won't go on and on about rules and such as most of you have probably heard them a million times. So here are some ideas, Mature as usual, drop me a PM if anything catches your fancy. [hider=Fine Dining] [url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4NS2iFlZ6Q [/url] Based in Paris during the Nazi occupation, the story revolves around two individuals, whom under certain circumstances have wound up together and aspire to open the most successful restaurant in the city. However as usual, fate is never so easy. Once we set up shop, after all the red tape and renovation, our little place becomes a popular Sunday night venue for both revolutionaries and Nazis alike, and soon our loyalties will be called into question. Do we keep the restaurant we dreamed of but aid the Nazis or do we sacrifice our labor of love for the resistance? I would like a mature partner and by mature, I mean 18+ and mentally. I want my partner to not see history with hindsight but to see history through the eyes of the character, as the present. So do what your character thinks is right then, without clouding your mind with what you know happened. [/hider] [hider=The Big Black] [url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSoCGJEx224 [/url] "Live it. Learn to love it. Because it's all there is..." The Big Black is set in a dark world governed by an oppressive regime bent on mastering the wills of everyone. To do this they've set up a police state, watching everyone, no matter where they are or what they are doing, rounding up people they consider threats to the state and dealing with them brutally. The government controls everything, from the moment of birth everyone has a serial number tattooed to them, from the moment they enter school they are brainwashed to serve the state. The older of them, who lived to see the rise of the regime, know not to be fooled though, they know that the regime that had promised to make the world better was nothing but one massive lie. Some pairings I had in mind for this: - Gaurd x Transfer Prisoner - Low Ranking Govrnment Official x Revolutionary - Open to more. [/hider] [hider=Rust] Under Construction. [/hider]