[i][color=bc8dbf]Ja'vi Harkan[/color][/i] - [u]Going Hunting[/u] The Rebels had struck her as a peculiar, but practical bunch. In the early hours of her morning, she had begun it with a similar routine ever since she had escaped to the Outer Rim. There, in the quiet tranquility of the room that the Alliance had bequeathed to her, she sat cross legged in the center upon a rug. With her eyes closed peacefully, and her slender fingertips woven upon her lap while her elbows rested neatly bent upon her knees; she remained deeply within a tranquil state. She could [i]feel[/i] it, flowing around her. The Force. It was a will, a consciousness beyond her own that she could not truly grasp. Yet, the teachings that she had been given as a child reminded her all too well that the ability to sense it was only the beginning. Minor hints, whispers, it spoke to her; yet even after she had been meditating daily for months, she lacked the ability to truly decipher it. Frustrating in some instances and encouraging in others, it was a constant reminder to herself that she direly needed to keep a steady mind, a steadfast conscience. One that would not let her mind slip into anger, no matter how irksome and fickle it seemed to be. Both she and it had changed much from when she was a Youngling, after all. A knock on the barrier that separated her from the rest of the rebellion, and the abrupt slide of its' opening caused her to open one eye. In front of her stood another Rebel Trooper who looked at her in a befuddled manner. It was a fair gesture, most of these men and women seemed to be souls of direct action; searching not for the subtleties of complex trials, but the simplest means with the least amount of sacrifice. For that, they had her admiration. But it didn't excuse how they oft looked at her with such peculiarity. [color=ed1c24]"Harkan, get your fangs. We're going hunting today."[/color] Standing up and plucking up her Helmet, she was careful to insure that it didn't cause discomfort for the tendrils that extended in a smooth curl past beyond her head as she donned it. The former small-time smuggler turned trooper quietly nodded and then holstered her blaster pistol. Belts tightly fastened about her shoulders as a pair of Vibro-blades fastened tightly about her upper waist neatly. Then equipping the standard issue plate, the former Youngling then bound out after the other fellow Rebel Troopers that soon embarked upon a wild sprint through the city. As they traveled, Ja'vi's eyes remained closed. Continuing to strive for inner balance while she herself rumbled along in the back of the truck. Orders were given, and she listened carefully; knowing what she was meant to do, the job that Besk wanted her to perform. She was a distraction, she always was. But the way by which the Rebellion's helmet confined her peripheral vision was suffocating. Digging her fingertips into the side, she slowly removed it. Once the Truck came to a sudden, abrupt halt however, she sprinted hurriedly to the cover with the others. Watching as Besk prepared the detonators, she reached behind her and drew out her pair of Vibro-Blades. With the flick of a switch, they hummed softly as they knew all too well their purpose. With a cacophonous roar, the foundations of the earth shook with the eruption of the blast, and she sprung into action. Through the clearing and obscuring smoke, she exploded forward into the confused ranks of the Bounty Hunters like a resurgent wave. Chaos was around her, there was anger, rage, consuming fury, and fear. Yet she herself was tranquil, a resolute wave of resilient strength that tore into the first Bounty Hunter she saw. Blaster Fire hissed and cooked the very air over her as she nimbly avoided it by mere hairs. It was a dance she partook in, a dance that made her feel the very flow of the world around her. One villainous hunter unceremoniously fell, caught by utter surprise and bisected by the waist with a swipe of her blades. Vibro-Blades hissed through the air, and she barely managed to gravely wound another bounty hunter before his shouted warning warned his comrades of her presence. Blasters turned in her direction and instinctively she fled. Nimbly kicking off and away to dive back into the smoke behind some cover where she sheathed one blade and drew her Blaster Pistol instead. She was there to fulfill her purpose, and that was to buy time for others to evacuate before Imperials got involved. That, and naturally escape herself so that she might live and fight another day.