John watched as the others conversed. Two of the girls gave pretty good points as to why they should stay. To be honest it was a lot for him to take in. Hygorns, and Vygorns. He was supposed to be a part of some magical rebellion. He sighed, looking down at his black Converse before looking back up at Phil and the rest of the group. He stepped forward, smiling. "Whelp. You convinced me. John Kingston. Water." John thought about why he was doing this, risking his life. He wasn't a selfish person but he remembered the last time he'd tried to help someone. He shivered, remembering the night that had lead to him fleeing to New York. [i][b]I wonder if I'm still wanted back home. I'm sure. Frankly I'm pretty surprised that they haven't found me yet.[/b][/i] John thought to himself.