Malte finally removed himself from the wall that he had attached himself to after entering the room, trying to avoid the smell coming of the person who he had followed (biggest mistake ever!) “[color=darkred]I may be the onaly one to ask this, but which team would be more likely to run into enemies? Dose one path have more shiny things? Will this be interesting?[/color]” he thought about it for a bit, trying to way out the odds. “[color=darkred]actually ill just join the group that is going on land. It’s probably a bit better for my specialties anyway. Plus I get to watch those cool moving platform things.[/color]” The stink from the dude eating a fish finally reached malte again, causing him to rear back and start scooting around the large room. He finally found a bit of refuge by the wall opposite the entrance to the house, quickly moved forwards to the middle of his room, holding his shirt to his nose, and quickly stole a chair, bringing it back to the wall.