It towered above Morden, dwarfing him. Its size and stature was terrific, and the quantity of knowledge it contained could be mind-blowing. He had waited so long for this day, where his research could come into use. He could finally translate the Poneglyph. He would go down in history. His dream was interrupted by the sound of a wolf barking, and then a gun being fired. [i]Must've been Angelo...[/i] Morden jumped up from his hammock and fell on the floor, banging his head. "I'm up, Fenris. No need to keep barking." He put his hand on the wolf and stroked its fur. He picked up his glasses and placed them on his head. "Right, to another day of... doing something," he said to himself. "Anything could happen today... like finding a Poneglyph. You think so, don't you Fenris?" He let the wolf out to wake everyone else up, then changed into his clothes. Morden walked out of his door and wondered why he had left it open. "Maybe she taught it to how to open doors?" He shuddered at the thought of a canine of that size being able to open a door. He continued walking toward the messdeck. Greeting everyone, he sat down and took a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl and ate it. "So, why're we up so early, Captain?" he asked, yawning.