Urahara shook his head as Nero left and then went to sit guard at Hana's side, just in case something would change or happen. ''He did strike again, but forgot about the blood that runs trough your veins Hana-chan.. You will be stronger after you recovered and will find out the reason why your family was killed..'' he whispered as he watched over the girl. [b]THREE DAYS LATER[/b] Hana was awake and her recovery was going fast, at this moment Ururu was helping her get some clothes because she had said she wanted to go outside, that she was getting sick of sitting inside and Urahara had thought it wouldn't hurt her. Zant-kun had been away for three days now, only dropping by too eat and then leaving before she could ask him anything or Urahara could say something too him. She hoped he would return today, because she missed him... She knew it felt weird to miss someone that not always was very nice for you but still she had been having a great time with him and did miss him, calling him she thought was a bad idea.. But she didn't know for sure... Ururu gave Hana a [url=http://www.queenofholloway.com/images/navybluedotdress.jpg]navy blue polka dot dress[/url] and [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41hGSmtSTPL._SX395_.jpg]navy blue flats[/url] to wear. After getting dressed, Hana got some help from Tessai and walked to the veranda from the shop where she could sit on a chair or just stand if she wanted and enjoy the warmth of the sun. ''Will you be fine?'' Tessai asked. ''Yes, I'll be find..'' Hana said and took out her phone. She took Zant's number which she got from Urahara and texted him: [i]I don't know what happened between you and Urahara.. But I would kinda like it if you came back.... or by for a few hours...[/i] She hesitated for a second and then also wrote down [i]I miss u. X Hana[/i] After pressing the send button, she knew there was no way back for her now.