[center] [color=39b54a][i][b]Character Sheet: [/b][/i][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/c80c6359196141ad7c0827021f014b33/tumblr_nlp7vtNYbO1un2nkdo2_400.gif [/img] [/hider] Sex: Heterosexual Name: Adrian Williams (Optional)Nickname: Razor Age: 24 Height: 6'2 Body Type: Average Fit Hair: Black Kept At A Short-Cut Eye Color: Brown Background: Adrian was a good person, raised by father with good intentions and a good life for him. his father, James Williams, owns 3 different garage shops in he state of Georgia and while James was working on fixing and modifying cars and semi-trucks, Adrian was there right by him watching how he fixed all the various vehicles. Adrian grew a liking to the shop and ended up becoming a car fanatic just like his father. As he grew up a simple yet exciting childhood, mainly within the confines of his fathers shops, he went on and graduated from High school gaining a scholarship in the process for Mechanical Engineering in New York with an extension of a part-time job working at an auto body shop from one of his father's friends. His father also recommended he find some way of defending himself, because of the fast, tough, and harsh lifestyle New York was he took up boxing, but only having time for the basics since college and work took most of his spare time. A little after only two months after he accepted the offer and moved from Detroit, Michigan, the news of the outbreak started spreading like wildfire. He quickly managed to gather what he needed as essential and was out the door to go see that his father and make sure that he was safe as well, but all of the exits out of the city were destroyed and there was no way out, and he was deviated. The only goal in mind that he had was to find a way out of the hell he was in and find a way back to his family. Personality: Adrian his a kind soul, and a forgiving one, but only to those who have done right and not just on their judgment of the world is now. He took up just after his father, but not his mother since he didn't know her and his father wasn't too keen on speaking about her, Still he will not hesitate leave you in the dust if your a danger or a person who isn't trust worthy. Unique Abilities: Automotive Mechanical Skills. He is a very proficient at fixing and repairing cars, with a crew at hand ,that are still usable and a few house appliances as well. The downside though is the usage of vehicles in the city of New York is very limited since all the streets are crowded with them and/or dead bodies Combat Capabilities: Basics of Boxing Weapons: A metal crowbar, from garage shop. Current Equipment: A [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/814x-nWApfL._SY355_.jpg]Blue Hiking Bag[/url] [url=http://wac.aee8.edgecastcdn.net/80AEE8/p/p/productphotos/7277-GNGO_display.jpg] A Set Of catchers gear without helmet[/url] (Both taken after scavenging sporting goods store.) 4 bottles of water (1 open 3 sealed) 2 cans of White Clam Chowder 2 cans of tea 1 large blue towel A half charged phone (For Time purposes, very little entertainment) 1 car charger cord and a used first aid kit (missing alcohol) [/center]