A maniacal laughter warped through a helmet could be heard across the square as Saleen continued firing her repeater at the bounty hunter's last known position. It took some seconds for her to realize that the rest of the rebel fighters were no longer firing, something which made her look up and around her. At this point, the barrel of her repeater gun was glowing red-hot. Any drop of water that touched the foremost portion of her weapon was immediately vaporized, as a small cloud of steam emanated from the searing barrel. On the other end of the square, there remained nothing but destroyed architecture and corpses, half-molten crates, charred remains and a single lone twi'lek that represented the sole survivor on the bounty hunter side, huddled beneath cover. "What? Why aren't we shooting?" Saleen asked out to the rest of the fighters with a genuinely disappointed tone. "Don't tell me the fight's already over!" [i]"It probably is... "[/i] However, as Saleen turned her head to look around her, she soon realized that every other single rebel fighter had disappeared; the only signs of where their firing line had once been was a series of spent power cells and the occasional splatter of blood on the surface. As the realization dawned on her that they had just left without her, she clenched her fists before violently kicking a random grenade that lay on the ground next to her! "[b]Dammit!!![/b]" She cursed out loud and threw her arms to the sky, all the while the grenade detonated and blew up a random space sausage kiosk in the background!