Blinking the sleep from his crusty eyes, Anthony "Paladin" Henderson woke from his slumber underneath a wrecked car. He had been lucky the previous night, the wreckage he found was nearly completely closed off except for a tight hole at the top. As well, the pile up had occurred over a sewer grate that he could use to bypass the zombies on the surface. He could hear the rhythmic stomping of the undead around him, a constant reminder of what he had lost and the hell he was in. Rising to a sitting position, he began taking check of his gear. After finishing that, he pulled out a cam of spam and began shoveling the pink meat into his mouth. After eating breakfast he gathered his things and went down the sewer, closing the grate above him. Down in the sewers, Anthony could smell the familiar rancid odor of sewage and rot. He had spent the first week of the end navigating the sewers, following a military convoy. He had found many supplies that had been left behind by the rapidly moving group of soldiers. Pulling out his flashlight, Anthony began making his way through the labyrinth of pathways and pipes. He made it roughly 300 feet when he heard the loud crash behind him. Quickly shutting off his light, the man hid himself in the darkness, his eyes adjusting to the dark.