Here is the edited version of my character. Name - James Natchgale Alias - Scourge Age - 20 Sponsor - Red Tornado Personality - Kind, Charismatic, Happy Powers - Smoke manipulation. James can condense to molecules in smoke and turn the gaseous substance into semi-solid forms, taking on the forms of both weapons and animals. He can also move the smoke as he wants and produce it out of almost nothing. This allows him to create large smoke screens and move the smoke to where his opponent will be forced to breath it in. Weaknesses - He is still human. Anything that can kill a human can kill him. Though his lungs and protected from any smoke like substance. Appearance - [IMG][/IMG] BRIEF Bio - James grew up in a normal home. An only child and a genius in all things (though he doesn't show it often) James lived a simple life. His powers began developing when he was 14. Often times he would sit in class and if he began to concentrate too hard, or let himself space out his body would smoke. James ended up homeschooled after that. He finished his schooling at the age of 16 during which time he spent his free time teaching himself to control his ability and got a job soon after he was fully in control. Interested in helping people he began searching for a career where he could be useful. Eventually settling on being a fire man. He trained until the age of 18 to build himself physically to do what he wanted to do and by the time he was 19 he started his work as a fireman. Sample Post - It was a normal day at the fire station, a couple small house fires but nothing that one or two men couldn't handle. Those at the station had settle down into a game of Texas Hold-em. Either that or they were idly chatting on the sofas around the lounge area. Nothing to interesting had happened in the past week or so, giving the men and women who worked at the station a nice break. The calm of the station lasted until about half past midnight. It was then the alarms sounded, signaling an all hands fire. The once calm station burst into a bustle of bodies and noise as they set to the tasks they were assigned to. The loud speaker blared announcing what they were dealing with. A lab fire on the outskirts of town. It seemed the fire had started from a small burner being knocked over but with the amount of chemicals that had been used in the room, everything caught quicker than they could stop it. The preparations ended and they headed out to the lab. They arrived there quickly and they unloaded, quickly getting to work. They found that several people had been trapped in the building so a team was assigned to go in a get them. Within this team was James. Heading into the building he and two other men split up to find those trapped inside. James found a pair of researchers in a matter of minutes. He turned to head out of the room with them but the ceiling collapsed in front of them. James, being in the front, took the brunt of the flames that shot up at them from the falling debris. Taking no notice to the flames that burned his suit and some of his flesh, he turned to look for the closest exit, this being a window, though only the two small researchers could fit through it, he was a little to big to get through. Smashing the window he prompted the two to exit, and only after that had gone did he start using his ability. He gathered as much of the smoke as he could and condensed it into a ball, hurling it at the debris that blocked his way out. He exited the room only to find one of this fellow firemen with another researcher standing in shock. Shaking his head he said that he would explain later and the three exited the building. James as well as some of the researchers had been hospitalized due to excessive burning and smoke clogged lungs. When the doctors discovered that his kings were in perfect shape they figured it was from the mask the other firemen wore. However they found out from the man who had seen him use his ability that he could control smoke. After vigorous questioning he was brought to the attention of the Justice League, where Red Tornado had decided to sponsor him, though at first James had little knowledge of this. It wasn't until a week or so later that the Tornado himself came to speak to him. Explaining the situation, and how he was now sponsored by him.