[@Oblivion666] (Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff) [Center][h3][b][color=90EE90]Shizuka[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shizuka continued to sit in the tree looking at the bird on her hand, then she felt the tree begin to shake a little as another bird flew up to her and chirped, that was when Shizuka looked down to the cause of what was making the tree shake. The birds then flew off as Shizuka stood up on the branch and held her right arm out infront of her, aiming it down at the man as she pointed her index finger at him before firing a hado 4 off at him, aiming straight for his head...yet her aim was off and instead it only grazed his left cheek causing her eye to narrow in annoyance...she knew she had to practice these stupid skills but to miss such an easy shot?...that truly annoyed her...