Olerus had listened to what the representative of their guild had to say. He didn't really listen. Everything the guildmember talked about, Olerus had already known. What he didn't know was that Karu was coming along for the testing. Olerus didn't really like Karu. Hell, he didn't really like anyone else in the Enchanter's Guild. Nobody really cared for Olerus either. He was only allowed in because of the rumoured magic fonts he could create. He had made the Enchanter's Guild many fonts over the years. They were never able to use them, however. Olerus walked inside of the inn. Within an instant, he walked to the bar. He held up one finger. The bartender seemed to recognize the symbol, and poured an oddly slender and tall glass. The glass was filled with a old type of brandy. Olerus took the glass from the bartender and poured it into his mouth. His mouth wasn't really made for drinking from cups. Much of the liquid spilled onto his chest and the bar. The bartender took out a small rag and wiped the bar clean dry. Olerus walked away from the bar. One drink would keep him sated. He didn't really like this group of people, either. They weren't like him. They weren't like the centaurs. The proud, noble centaurs. A morose look filled his eyes when he thought about his race. Olerus took a seat alone. He chose to distance himself from others.