[@Phobos] [Center][h3][b]Akira[/b][/h3][/center] Akira landed on the ground and looked at Yukio...it seemed she wasn't fairing well here but Akira wasn't aiming to attack her properly...this was a test of her abilities after all. The Captain already knew Akira's abilities and so he was making sure to be somewhat on the defensive as to test Yukio's abilities which seemed lacking in some areas. Akira wasn't quite sure if Yukio understood the situation she was in but regardless...Akira wasn't here to lose or win...but being beaten up was something that was out of the question and so when she threw the Bokken towards him he had initiated the pincers...Akira swung from the ground up with the bokken in his right hand and with his left hand caught Yukio's bokken and brought it down on her...effectively hitting her back and front and trapping her "[b]You shouldn't give your opponent your weapon...however I think this will do. I'm not sure about the Captain but I think I've seen enough...[/b]" Akira showed yet another odd side to his personality...he seemed a lot more serious now and the expression on his face was much more serious also.