[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a1/7c/f9/a17cf9fdfe97902fa2d2fe6180cbcb46.jpg[/img] [sub][color=crimson][b]"Fighting is the only thing I'm good at. Part of me doesn't want Lucifer to die because without this power, what am I?"[/b][/color][/sub] [b]Annie Linedale[/b] [h3]Basics[/h3] [/center] [b]Gender[/b] || Female [b]Race/Species[/b] || Human (Extraordinary fighting skills due to powers given by Lucifer himself.) [b]Age[/b] || (Lost her original CS so I'm going to make up an appropriate age) 26 [b]Height[/b] || 5 feet and 10 inches [b]Weight[/b] || 147 lbs [b]Hair Color[/b] || Red Hair [b]Eye Color[/b] || Blue Eyes [b]Skin Tone[/b] || Fair [b]Figure[/b] || Muscular [b]Occupation[/b] || Bodyguard [center] [h3]Powers[/h3] Annie's powers come from the powers given to her by Lucifer in order to kill the angel Lily Brightendale. Since then, however, she has somehow managed to get away from Lucifer, or at least he's leaving her alone. Her powers make her incredibly strong and agile. She has mastered almost every known martial arts with the exception of the few lesser known ones. She, in the first RP she appeared in, smashed a zombie brain into bits with a single hand. She has since gained control of her strength and has vowed never to use a weapon. (Ignore the dagger in her picture.) She never kills those that she fights but simply makes them no longer want to fight or otherwise incapacitates them. [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]Beast[/i] - Annie feels like a monster, as if she could never return to a normal life after this. [i]Magic[/i] - Annie is weak to magic attacks especially those from Angels or otherwise Holy creatures due to Lucifer's influence. [i]Independent[/i] - Annie is independent and will refuse any help offered to her unless she cannot go with it. She prefers to work things out on her own. [h3]Personality[/h3] Annie is an interesting character and almost always acts as if she knows more than anyone around her. She can be rather prideful despite often feeling sorry for herself. She tends to be very quiet but when speaking, speaks loudly and with authority. She, however, can still be very motherly and kind to those she thinks deserve it. She is very skeptical towards love as she has had a lover disappear on her, she is still waiting for his return. [h3]Background[/h3] I'll... fill this is later. Basically, Annie was born and raised to kill Lily but it never worked out. [/center]