Similar to the crowds back at home, the townsfolk received Eli’s message well. A woman had even attempted to reach the structure, only to be pushed back by the officer there. As the people started to voice their agreement, the priest moved up closer to the stand. He laid his hand on the woman's shoulder, a smile on his face as he nodded at her. "God is surely watching," he solemnly said to her. And in his heart, Eli hoped he was. Eli grit his teeth as Tucker began to talk. The other mans words were true - Finn Casey committed many horrendous crimes over the past years. Yet Eli truly believed that anyone, even the most wretched, could change if they were willing. Perhaps he was being a bit too hopeful...He could already hear his old man's voice in his head, pleading him to stop whatever foolish thing Eli got himself into. He couldn't, however. The ball was already gathering momentum; nothing could stop it. Closing his eyes, Eli swiftly prayed for a blessing and added in a soft apology to his adopted father. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the Holy Book, unwavering eyes staring straight back at Tucker. "All I'm asking is for you to give a man a second chance. He's a vile man, yes, but he hasn't yet to experience the true love of God. You don't need to completely trust or forgive Finn Casey, but at least let him have the opportunity to repent and earn his life... If he breaks the law again, I'll personally bring him in," Eli promised, breaking off as he made his way up the steps without any resistance. "I am also a changed man," he proceeded, his voice trembling just the slightest as he remembered his rough childhood. "There is no other person who knows better than me how the Lord's words can heal. Tucker, I understand the gravity of my request. But I am willing to die for Casey like how Jesus died for our sins." The crowds cries and cheers were drowned out by the sound of Eli's heart pounding in his ears. He slowly made his way towards Casey, bending down to kneel in front of the convict. Cloudy blue eyes gazed at the man's face for a brief moment before flickering downward. Bringing the Holy Book close to his chest, Eli prayed for both of their sorry souls.