[@hatakekuro] Toto was getting smacked around like a ragdoll, each one of Zhwngs hits connecting. The dolls eyes were white, as of he had lost consciousness but yet he retained his wide grin. He caught Zhengs last punch, his hand feeling unusually as the rest of his body looked more limp. He giggled "Dont you get it, there are enemies that fists cannot defeat. You made me lose half control over my doll? All I have to do is focus my reiatsu into a certain area~" He said pulling in Zheng with his hand, which immediately loosened up omce Zhemg was pulled in "And strike hehe~" He said with a mischievous chuckle, sending a right knee towards Zhengs stomach. The look in his eyes was deranged, that of a madman as he actually tried to deal real damage to him. The attack hit, a shockwave of pain going through Zhengs body. Toto knelt over to Zheng who would most likely be on his knees after that. He had a wide grin as he inched closer to Zhengs ear "I expected more from you Zheng, especially after I made [i]him[/i] for you. is this the difference between your hard work and my knowledge? Tata~" His body vanished, long gone and no where to be seen.