[B]Name:[/B] Raymond Tyler [B]Alias:[/B] Time Bomb [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sponsor:[/B] Blue Beetle [B]Personality:[/B] Snarky, Opportunistic, and Goal-Oriented [B]Powers[/B] As a result of his forefathers ingesting so much Miraclo, he was born with a fraction of its effects, such as superior strength, speed, stamina, and agility. This does not diminish or nullify the benefit of using the improved formula of the drug himself. When on Miraclo, his strength, speed, stamina, agility, and thinking abilities are improved. His perception of time is even slowed. And the effects begin to weaken, depending on how much he exerts himself, around an hour after ingestion. His homemade gadgetry includes: Flash-bombs, smoke canisters, Miraclo dispensers, lock-picks, a pocket knife, & hand-cuffs,. [B]Weaknesses[/B] Unsurprisingly, he has a secret addiction to Miraclo, which his predecessors hadn't shared their experiences with. The withdrawal is brutal, causing agonizing headaches and random blackouts along with general physical weakness. [B]Appearance[/B] As Raymond he generally wears hooded jackets, cargo pants, and running shoes. He has short brown hair, Caucasian skin, brown eyes, a round nose and box-shaped face. He stands roughly 5'11" and has very visible musculature. As Time Bomb he wears black fatigues with an insulated bulletproof/stabproof vest over his chest with a large yellow hourglass logo on his chest's center. Sleeves cover his arms, offering little protection, but keeping the visual theme. And a hooded cape drapes over his head and shoulders, fitted eyeholes allowing his vision to be clear despite the hood. The inside of his cape is colored yellow and, besides the logo, is the only colored feature. [B]BRIEF Bio:[/B] Rex Tyler was a pharmaceutical engineer hired to reverse-engineer a tribal formula that gave the users superhuman fitness. His biggest hang up was that his employers were the military. Unwilling to allow the blend to be applied to widespread murder, he purposefully sabotaged the project before being relieved of his position. Once dismissed, he moved to Appleton City to join their police force, putting Miraclo, as he called it, to good use. Later on, his son Rick took a similar course. In his lifetime, Rick refined the formula and optimized its effects. Raymond 'Ray' Tyler was born in the summer of 2003 to Rick Tyler, the second person to develop Miraclo, and biological son of the original. He long admired their records of service on the police department. Naturally, he aspired to follow in their footsteps, seeing it as his heritage to become a policeman aided by Miraclo. At eight years old, he was constantly being bullied, so he fought back, injuring them unintentionally and being withdrawn from the public school system. The family moved to Metropolis in 2016, causing Ray to lose touch with all of his friends and causing him to grow socially awkward. His own emotions betrayed him and he needed something to take the edge off, and neither of his forefathers seemed too keen on giving him a supply of Miraclo. So he started crimefighting in the style of Batman, purchasing and designing his own gadgets, outfits, and accessories. It didn't take the world's greatest detective to figure out what Ray was doing, so Rick decided to allow his son to experience the life of a superhero. Between the two of them, he was jokingly referred to as a ticking [I]Time-Bomb[/I] before it became completely obvious that he was in it for the long haul. When he turned sixteen, Rick taught his son how to manufacture Miraclo from a special blend of rare vitamins and common substances. After a year had passed by and Rick officially gave Ray his blessing as Time Bomb, providing him with his own costume. [B]Notes:[/B] None yet [B]Sample Post:[/B] A river of thick smoke pressed down an alleyway, suffocating a trio of armed thieves that were caught entirely off guard. They gagged and sputtered, struggling to take in a breath, but fell to their knees. One of them managed to reach for their gun, but wasn't able to prepare himself for the bumble-bee striped blur that bounced on him, smacking the thug's head into the concrete they'd stood on. "Excellent work," the voice of the Blue Beetle broke the silence that Ray had built. "Oh, hello there," Ray answered, slightly spooked. Stating the obvious, he said "I didn't realize you'd tagged along. I guess you still got it." "More or less," the elder hero shrugged his shoulders. "But I watched you tonight, and after the last few days you've had, I think Hourman is ready to hit the big leagues." "Really!" Ray's eyes opened like the Red Sea. "Of course. There's a new project. Of course I can't offer you full League membership, yet, but I can fast track you." "I'm listening." "Join a group of other rising teens to help out on a wider scale. I won't be on top of you, and as annoying as the people you're going to meet may be, it'll be a lot like the actual League."