Revan Revan walked in with a bottle in both hands, feeling a lot happier than he had when he left. The boy had failed to actually improve his tolerance, but it took time to do that, and the boy had plenty. He took the boy by the shoulder's and pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. After that, he began to roam the halls of the school, as the party was over and everyone was leaving for their dorms at the moment to get a good night's rest, or continue the festivities in a more private setting. And while he was walking the halls, popping the cork off one of the bottles he had, when he heard a hoarse cry for help. Curious, he began to walk towards the sound, quickly picking up the scent of fear and panic as he did so. Quickening his pace ever so slightly, Revan soon found the source of the fear he had smelled, a small girl was on the ground and seemed to be having a panic attack, an intense one by the look of it. Bending down, Revan picked them up by their shoulders, grabbing their face so that they would be forced to look into his eyes. Scarlet eyes, full of the weariness from an eternity of living without a foreseeable end, pierced through the fear that held their golden counterparts, as his voice spoke with magic-laden words. "Take three deep breaths and Calm. The Fuck. Down." Revan's voice would resonate with in Bride's mind, pushing to force a sense of suppressive calm on him, to slow his heart and calm his panic. This was the more benevolent side of his Domination ability, as it allowed him to enforce a sense of calm into the enraged or panic rather easily, as those are the times when one will is almost always at it's weakest. Once Bride calmed down, Revan would push the bottle into his hands would one word. "Drink." It wasn't a suggestion. [@Destinyfailhorror17] Xavier "Okay, later Katya." Xavier accepted the card graciously and out it into his pocket. After that, he turned towards Katja. "I think I'm going to head to my dorm to, so see you later then. We can talk about Aleida later, okay?" With that, Xavier gave a small wave before he hurried back out of the building, and after a few minutes, found himself at the door of his dorm. Xavier stretched a little before he opened the door to find that Aleida must've sleepwalked a little, as she was currently sprawled along the ground in her dragon form, her sides rising and falling softly as she slept. Xavier gave a small sigh as he picked her up and carried her to her little cubby space, which he had wished into existence his first day. It was invisible to everyone but him, and was exceedingly comfortable as well. He had it there to make sure that he wouldn't have to worry about finding Aleida a place to hide from his inevitable roommate. After tucking her into her little blanket mound, he began to get ready for bed, stripping down to his underwear before flopping down onto the bed with another sigh, allowing himself to slowly drift into unconsciousness. He still wasn't quite used to staying up this late, something he had to work on if he wanted to go to more parties like this, which had been fun despite the awkwardness that had occurred. He only hoped that he wouldn't have to move anytime soon. [@Ionion] [@LowKey123] Grimm Grimm had nodded to Marci as she went off, before he packed up his things and left the establishment as well. He had a lot of work to do right now, these two pieces would take a while to get to his opinion of perfection. With that in mind, he quickly walked to his dorm, sat down on his desk, and would continue to work on the two pieces for the rest of the night, and possibly into the morning if he had to. [@Ionion]