Kanoa swam through the crystal clear lake's waters, trying her best not to make a remark regarding Orion's choice to dive in the nude, he could have kept his shorts on at least. She let out a water jet sigh and swam closer to the underwater cave's entrance. It was subtle, but the water inside the cave was warm. There could have been a scientific explanation, but she believed in scientific explanations as much as a detective believed in coincidences. There were certain magic spells that made use of vast amounts of water, which meant that they would be walking in on the fox spirit while it was distracted. She swam into the cave, and pretty soon it started to become dim. "Ah, right. Caves are dark." Kanoa mumbled to herself, the magic of the potion allowing her to speak. She kept moving forward, directing herself forward along the cave wall. She could barely see, however, there was a faint current pushing against her that she was able to follow. The water only got warmer as she got further in, warmer and warmer until it felt as if she were soaking in a hot tub. Just when she was starting to worry that she would be boiled alive she rounded a corner and saw a light off in the distance. It was a green, flickering color, it was fox fire. Fox fire was simply what the first layman observers of a fox spirits magic could think of. Laymen weren't very creative you see. When a fox spirit uses magic, it's magical aura is visible, even to those without a tether. This was why stories of the creatures were so prevalent in the past, they weren't as careful as they are in the present. One video uploaded to the internet and they'd be hunted down in the hopes that their fur could make magical coats. It could, by the way, but that's besides the point. Kanoa swam upwards, and her head broke the surface of the water. She was in what appeared to be a makeshift room inside the cave. Just like the house in the forest, she could see that magic was afoot. Stone had been morphed into shape, creating furniture and edging off the corners of the walls. There was a hole in the roof leading out of the cave, but there was something blocking sunlight from getting in. "Hellooo." Kanoa said, walking out of the water. The spirit was right in front of her, with it's back turned to her. The fox was in human form, and took the shape of what seemed to be a teenage girl. Nine orange furred tails were pointed up vertically, the tips of which seemed to burn with magical aura. Kanoa turned her head to the others and shrugged, the fox hadn't heard her, she seemed too busy with something. Kanoa slowly walked up to her, and peered over her. In her hands was the missing student, he wasn't moving. The boy's body was submerged up to his torso in water, the Kitsune's hands were around his head, and surrounded by her aura. "Ah, so you're trying to heal him huh?" Kanoa said. The fox heard her this time, and her entire body shivered as if a shock had gone down her spine. She leaped from the boy and quickly backed herself into a corner. "S-stay away! I'm a monster you know!?" She screamed, her voice was hoarse and her eyes were red. Kanoa looked to the fox, and then to the unmoving boy. "Guys, talk to the Kitsune for a bit will you, I need to see if I can help this guy." She ignored the fox and leaned down to the boy's level. Feeling his neck, she felt a faint pulse. "I'm serious! I'll uhh, I'll suck your blood!" The fox screamed. "That's vampires." Kanoa said. "W-well I'll turn you into a frog!" "That's a witch." Kanoa yawned and pulled the boy out of the water. She placed a hand over his chest and began chanting in a soft voice.