[@Phobos] No way, how can this clone take such a beating?! Even if this thing was made of straw and at seated level even a seated shinigami shouldn't be able to take such a beating without some consequence! Let alone grabbing his punch when he'd seemed to be unconscious! But why, why did this guy seem so familiar all of a sudden? The insanity of his eyes, the way he spoke was much too familiar. The next thing he knew the doll had somehow countered The Fist of the Monkey King, a move that he had only shown to one person before in his life, and then received a blow to the stomach so hard that it broke through Iron Tempered Will. His eyes bulged out of their sockets from the sheer force and fell to his knees, holding his stomach while trying to keep himself from vomiting his lunch. What he heard Toto whisper in his ear made him ignore his pain and froze. It...it really was him. Even after the clone had disappeared he stayed down on his knees and kept his eyes down towards the ground. [color=f26522]"Enemies that my fists can't defeat..."[/color] Zheng repeated to himself. His fists began to shake and then he smashed his right hand down towards the ground, creating a small crater beneath him. [color=f26522]"Fuck it all!"[/color] He yelled out to himself as Tenzai reformed around his wrists again. It was after that he stood up and walked away, walking past Kamon without even a glance.