[h3]Bride[/h3] Bride could almost feel it, he could feel his life slipping away and he couldn't do anything about it. His future, his dreams he wanted he will never have a chance again because of his heart. Yet even though he felt like he was going to die he already felt that...the multiple brushes of death somehow made things easier for some what. As the pain build up too much someone...someone so very luckily found him, it must be a miracle because he was almost close to kicking the bucket. He was forced to look at the eye of the one who found him, at the moment as the man told him to take three deep breathes and calm down he can feel his body do so. It was like a sudden impulse of some sort. Bride somehow get better, his heart was in pain that much and he really was flaming down. He was still clutching his chest when the man gave him some kind of alcohol to drink, he didn't know why though...would it help with his situation...he didn't think much about it and drank. It burned his throat...he never had alcohol, it was defiantly not ever recommended for him to drink because of his health but he forgot about that. "G-gaah!! bleg!!" he gagged a bit from the burning sensation from the drink, he could feel his body getting a bit warm... was it going to help? Not sure but his body felt defiantly better from a heart attack but different like something is still wrong. Bride look back at the man and breathed out as he was very tired from that incident, he though had to thank him...he was going to die if the man didn't appear. "T-th...th....h..aan...k-k..ss...." [h3]Iyo[/h3] [@remipa awesome] Iyo was pushed towards the bathroom but being completely drunk and a mess he went the direct opposite of where he was going. Not sure but he was now outside and had to really go, he missed a couple bathrooms but only because he didn't know they were bathrooms all he could see was "Fferejnfdsf" because of his alcohol infused brain. he crossed his legs as he really wanted to go quick, though in this situation no one was really there to help him. "NNgg... bwwaa...bwwaa...bbwwaaatthh...rrwwooo...oomm...." He mumbled out, he sat down near a dumpster and hiccup...too much booze...too much. the hang over is going to be pretty intense for him but that for slater story. There was a guy shouting there, Iyo shouted back at the guy maybe he could help. "Mmwwiii...mmiisssstt...eewwrr!"