[center] [hider=Appearance (will draw a portrait in awhile)]She has a heart shaped face, long, thin eyebrows and large, almond shaped eyes. Her black hair reaches past her shoulders and is tied into a tight ponytail held by a white ribbon[/hider] [h1][i]Remliel Maion[/i][/h1] [hr] [h3]~Basics~[/h3] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Species/Race:[/b] [i]Human[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]16[/i] [b]Height:[/b] [i]143.5[sup]cm[/sup] (4[sup]ft[/sup]7[sup]in[/sup])[/i] [b]Weight:[/b] [i]63[sup]kg[/sup](138.9[sup]lb[/sup])[/i] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [i]Black[/i] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [i]Carnelian [/i] [b]Skin Color:[/b] [i]Lightly tanned[/i] [b]Figure:[/b] [i]Majestically built and terrifyingly sturdy. Remliel, despite her short stature and slim figure, sports an awful lot of muscle for a girl her age.[/i] [b]Job:[/b] [i]Student and professional loafer.[/i] [hr][h3][b][i]~Powers~[/i][/b][/h3] [i]Reinforcement[/i] - It is the only ability she has. Reinforcement is as simple as it sounds; by gathering up her internal energies Remliel makes her body stronger and sturdier. The more she gathers and the denser and more compressed she makes it, the stronger she gets, however, gathering a certain amount not only takes long, but is also quite painful. For some reason, however, there are times when her Reinforcement causes unusual effects around her, such as the colors of nearby objects fluctuating. Remliel has no idea why and how this happens. [h3][b][i]~Weaknesses~[/i][/b][/h3] [b][i]Selfish[/i][/b] - Remliel is a very selfish person, and not in the sense that she doesn't share her things. Remliel first and foremost focuses on herself, and usually doesn't think to help other people unless it could benefit her. Even when in a situation where her actions could affect other people, she usually thinks about what [i]she[/i] wants to do, and disregards the consequences. [b][i]Reckless[/i][/b] - Rarely does Remliel take care that her actions don't affect others or herself in an unwanted way. That doesn't mean that she wants it to happen, but she just doesn't think about it. Because of her recklessness, even normal actions tend to come out looking like something out of a Michael Bay film. [b][i]Impulsive[/i][/b] - Looking before leaping is not something that she does often. Going hand-in-hand with her recklessness, her impulsive behavior makes it so that she may not even know [i]what[/i] she's doing [i]before[/i] she does something. [b][i]Choleric Temper[/i][/b] - She gets angry fast and easy. [b][i]Dense[/i][/b] - Remliel does not get subtly. If you want her to know something, it had better be told to her in a way that is direct and not hidden, otherwise, whatever hidden meanings you try to present will be lost to her. This also means that she is terrible at hiding secrets. Keeping them, she can do, but it will be obvious that she has a secret. [b][i]Defensively Lacking[/i][/b] - Remliel lacks technique when it comes to her defense, which is basically tanking every blow with her body then hitting back even harder. This is a deliberate weakness on her part, however, and not because of lack of training. [h3][b][i]~Personality~[/i][/b][/h3] Remliel is headstrong, stubborn, blunt and hard-headed. This stems from a long and festering inferiority complex that is well hidden to outsiders eyes. She believes that personal strength is the determining factor for everything, and suitably places her own personal strength above all else. Remliel has a tyrannical personality, in that she prefers to solve everything using force, and if that does not work, she uses [i]more[/i] force. She is very ambitious, and always aims to surpass her own records and the feats of greatness preformed by other people. She is fiercely defensive and possessive of everything that she owns, and that includes her friends and family. Despite her selfishness, Remliel will help someone out if she can and is she's asked, however, if she is asked for help, she goes against her usually impulsive and reckless personality to always ascertain that the problem that someone needs help with is something that actually needs help with, and not because they're just using her or are too lazy to do it themselves. This is because she dislikes laziness or people being to self-depreciating, and generally hate pathetic attitudes. Remliel believes that there is [i]always[/i] a way to solve a problem, and that those who give up early are not worth anyone's time. [h3][b][i]~Background~[/i][/b][/h3] Remliel's was the fifth born daughter of a powerful and influential clan. Said family valued beauty, power and elegance above all things, and typically, all the females of the clan had three similar traits: a beautiful face, a tall and voluptuous stature, and a huge rack. Remliel, in contrast, was short and rather plain looking in comparison. She had an above average bust, but it was nothing compared to her mother, sisters and in terms of facial attractiveness, even her brothers looked far more beautiful than she did. She was not very elegant either, and lack the cleverness that was so common in her family; she constantly blustered and banged her way through things. She even lacked the abilities that many of her family were born with. To some extent, members of her clan could manipulate nature and the elements and were often hired to be priestesses or mediators for nature; the most prized ability of the clan, however, was the ability to manipulate souls and spirits of the recently diseased, and it was from this ability that their clans title came from: 'The Great Ghost Clan'. In comparison, the only thing that Remliel could do was Reinforcement, a basic ability that only children in the clan would do, before substituting it with more efficient and powerful techniques. She was seen as the dark-horse of the family, and although they never mistreated her and in fact genuinely did care for her, there was always an air of disappointment from the people around her, which Remliel became unable to bear after years of living under it. Despite her best efforts, she was never able to do anything that seemed worthwhile, and in time, she came to value her own strength - the only thing she could rely on, and the only thing she seemed to be talented in. Her mother, hoping to encourage her to make something else out of her life, something other than her family, sent her away to get away from the shadow she lived under while she stayed with them. Remliel feels [i]very[/i] conflicted about this decision. [/center]