So, this little priest was headstrong about his plea? To take a wanted felon into his mission and train him to be a servant of God? It was a long shot to say the least and an even crazier assignment even for such a devout man. But with the flames of determination that rose from Father Eli, the blaze of trust and hope that he'd set upon the crowd, or at least the more optimistic of the bunch, it was almost as if God Himself spoke through the lips of such a small man. The Judge parted his stare between Eli and the criminal, the gears of his mind cranking in thought. Despite Eli's passionate show, he put little stock into any outcome of Finn Casey repenting to any sort of god above them. But with the crowd in favor of Eli and the grand display of faith that one day it was possible to salvage even the most treacherous of souls, he could practically hear his own voice withering down into nothing. And as Eli fell down upon his knees before sin itself, Tucker groaned. The trap had been activated and he found himself in no position against the people. His people. One motion and Finn was freed from the clutch of the noose around his neck, his feet were unbounded and he was once again lurched around like a dog on a leash. Back and away from the kneeling priest, he wobbled in an uneven stance, his eyes wide and wild and his smile even more so. Truly, he was the first ever man to have purposely spared his life. Finn wasn't sure if he was a fool, a lunatic, or a crossbreed between the two. He nearly jumped and danced of joy if it wasn't for the two officers clutching both of his upper arms and practically serving as a set of legs and holding him upright. But even these men could not contain the feral howl that escaped him as he was taken. “Father, you best keep to your word,” griped the Judge. Already did the regret of his decision cross his face. But it was too late. He gave the order to have Casey freed under his rule and more or less shoved into the clasped hands of this priest. Whether he wanted the criminal to succumb to crime again or an undisturbed town Tucker couldn't be entirely sure. He wanted Casey to swing like the pendulum of a grandfather clock and if it weren't for Eli he would've had it his way. Surely he would appear to be a man weak of faith in the Lord to deny the priest's request, and for that reason alone was Finn Casey still breathing. “He is in your custody from here 'n onward. If the idea so much as crosses his mind of leaving your sight and terrorizing a single soul of this town – I'll break code and come to shoot him down myself. Keep him in check, or everyone will suffer from this agreement.” This Tucker swore. He didn't need an oath or a word of promise to show Eli that he was true to his word. Finn fumbled down the steps, his hands still bound and his arms held close against his ribs. Along with what few belongings that had been confiscated from him, save the pistol, blade and smokes, he was released into Eli's care. He was to be regrettably delivered, free from the metal clasping his wrists, to the small mission and Finn's new home. With Finn came a set of strict rules for Eli to enforce: sobriety, each day a lesson of the Word of Jesus Christ from the Holy Book itself, daily confession, and for the rowdy bastard to comb his hair on a regular basis. '[i]He's still in my range of control, Father. If I have any reason to send him straight back here I won't hesitate to do so along with a formal apology from a certain priest[/i],' the Judge spoke to Eli once the crowds began to disband, Finn out of sight from the two prominent men. '[i]Disappoint this town and it reflects upon me. I'll be watching.'[/i]