Karu tilted a head up at the construct, tail flicking a little bit as he was asked about the weaponry. If there was one thing many of the older dragons enjoyed doing it was bragging about their accomplishments. Even if he was rather tired, his crabbyness would not get in the way of the joy of talking about his work. "Oh? I'll be happy to tell you. I've been working on a lot of projectile enchantments. Arrows, bullets, even throwing knives. The enchantment triggers when they hit something. We're starting with the basics, things like setting their victims on fire, but I've got a couple special ones, there's an arrow that turns itself invisible after being fired, perfect for picking off targets and remaining hidden." He said, beaming at the idea. "But the best one has got to be our magic gun, my latest project. It doesn't really look anything like a gun, but you load it with enchanted cartridges prepared beforehand, then point and shoot a fireball like mages used to be able to with ease. But the best part is these cartridges are small and easily stored and sorted, you could carry around and arsensal of spells in a small pack and just shoot em off one after the other!" he said, sounding increasingly excited before stopping himself, feeling the watch of the younger dragon. It was best to keep himself from acting too embarrassingly. "That's of course, if it works properly. After I blew a hole through the wall and the three buildings next to us by accident, we were barred from testing any more in or near the town. We also have a couple claw extensions and other equipment for dragons." He added, giving a nod over at Senna who was clearly listening in. "Trying to find safe ways to enchant them in a way where they can't ever backfire. I of course have interest in that, if the gun works properly maybe I could mold it to be mounted on my claw somehow." he rumbles a bit to himself as his mind goes off on a tangent. He snaps back to reality shortly after. "Ah yes, the equipment. Most important thing I suppose is that I didn't protect the enchantments at all, so they can be sealed and unsealed without much trouble, so you shouldn't have to worry about them going off on the road."