[color=bc8dbf]"Oh blast it!"[/color] Eric had tried to finish off the fish thing with a few more well aimed shots but it was simply too fast for him. It escaped before he could even reload to finish the job. Grumbling, he ejected the spent magazine and shoved it into one of his vest's pouches, pulled a fresh one from the same place and jammed it into Fayth. As Wren went for the GPS he took up position next to but just behind Selene, rifle at the ready. No telling what else lurked in the marsh. [hr] An hour of trudging through mud and murky water later, the group finally came towards solid ground; a sewer entrance, most fittingly. As they approached there came a group of refugees, bedraggled and dirty, the poor folk looked like they'd just escaped the brunt of the fighting, but from their conversation with their leader, they had reason to be worried. A cave in? Modrem? Trapped people? The three together didn't make for a particularly good image. Eric frowned. Not an hour into their first mission and already the dilemma no soldier wanted to face. On the one hand, saving the refugees earned them the trust of the people but the ire of their employers, but on the other hand refusing to help them weighed heavily on the conscience. Morals or mission? [color=bc8dbf]Morals or mission...[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Selene, we should help them. For all we know the same cave in could be blocking our route forward. If we can kill two birds with one stone, why don't we?"[/color] He felt for these poor people. His first time actually seeing Librans on their home planet and it was in this sorry state? He wouldn't stand for it. These people needed hope badly, and if a ragtag bunch of misfit youths with weapons and spirits was all there was, then by jove he'd provide. [color=bc8dbf]"Wren's right, Seley. We're armed with spirits to help us, we could be through that cave in quick as a whistle. It won't make us deviate from our mission."[/color]