Before beholding the eclectic look of the inn, the sounds, the creak of the floor, Seb's nose tingled with the delicious aromas that blasted him upon taking his first step. He could have sworn that his mouth would be leaking like a spring if he hadn't thought to keep it closed. His first port of call was the counter, where he summarily ordered not one, but three pork pies and a pint of ale. He doubted that he would finish them all, but he was too hungry to care. Besides, it wasn't as if he was paying. Many minutes passed where Seb spent most of his time looking about the inn and drumming his fingers on the bar. Eventually, his meal arrived and he began a balancing act to take it to a table. Even with his dexterity as it was, he truly missed magical telekinesis at times like these. He thought it only polite to dine with his new colleagues, but it appeared as though they had all sat at separate tables. Seb assumed, judging by the species, that it was either shyness or pride. Probably both. Seb decided that he had taken enough risks with dragons for today and moved to sit across from the solemn looking centaur. The horse-bodied man was rather less imposing when he wasn't standing upright. "I suppose this is official greetings, my good stallion. My name is Sebastian, I study magic. What might your name be?" Seb extended a hand. "I couldn't help but wonder, how did a centaur find a role with the Enchanter's Guild?" Seb took a large bite from his first pie after finishing his question. Moments later, Seb's ears pricked with the discussion between Anu'din and the black dragon, Karu. He had his back to the door, so he didn't even notice Anu'din enter. After short deliberation, Seb moved his gaze to them, then stood up and picked up his meal to take with him. "I believe their conversation is pertinent to our mission, perhaps we should join them?"