[@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shinzo rubbed the back of his with his right hand as he walked off, his head wasn't exactly held high and like most...he was going to drink his sorrows away. Nairin was likely going there to do the same and so the walk to the bar was pretty quiet, Shinzo had hardly anything to say at this point in time...it seemed like the Captain just slapped them in the face with what he just said...how they passed the mission? did he think that'd change that they all knew it was a failure deep down? if anything it felt like he was trying to actually be somewhat nice about it. In honesty it felt like they were children at some sort of running event, they never passed the finish line yet they were still considered winners along with all the other children...to be treated like a child after living this long was just humiliating... Shinzo then let out a sigh as they arrived outside the bar. "[color=f26522]About time...[/color]" Shinzo walked into the bar and went straight up to the counter and literally reached into his pocket, pulled out nearly all the money he had and slammed it down on the counter "[color=f26522]Get me everything I can have for this much....[/color]" Shinzo watched as the man behind the bar nodded and began grabbing a few bottles...literally...a few bottles. He then placed them down on the counter and took the money...Shinzo stared at the few bottles then mumbled to himself "[color=f26522]Thought I would of got a lot more for that but whatever...[/color]" Shinzo just took the bottles and began chugging them down instantly, not wasting anytime on getting drunk