[@Oblivion666] (Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff) [Center][h3][b][color=90EE90]Shizuka[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shizuka continued to look down at the man as he then fired a hado 4 of his own, yet Shizuka tilted her head slightly, just enough for the Hado to fly right past her head. Shizuka then jumped down off the branch and aimed her left palm at the man before firing a Hado 33 at him, if the man dodged then the Hado would smash into part of the Squad 10 barracks and likely cause some serious damage...but right now...Shizuka didn't care for that. In truth she kind of wanted to kill this person...despite knowing she couldn't, it didn't mean she couldn't beat him within an inch of his life!