Hiiiiiii~~!! I'm likin it! Likes! LIckity-likes! MEEE!!^^ Kk. Sooooo like... I'm willing to help work on plot line but with the sheer amount of info ya gots, if I gets into this RP, then like I'd like to view the world from a smaller view point. Know wuts I means? Like simple. As in we all come from one region and start exploring from there? Like if say this is a fight-y type of RP then maybe like we are recruited into the conflict at the Dreamslands and like we stumble upon a huge HUUGE plot point. LIke maybe even we stir the sleeping bro god and maybe even unwittingly unleash an avatar/fragment of it into the world? OOOOR!! k so like maybe we are mages or mage types from the same region, different schools and like we are passing some kind of rite and we have to go and hunt it down? Or like maybe we are like a special group of secret society 'God Watchers' or sumpin like that and we are trained to deal with and will mobilize as soon as situations like this comes up? Like thinking that we have like mages and their physical guardians. Elite group... with tactics! Yayuh~~!! xDDDD Kk so like there are some ideas that ya can work with or just like completerly shred and point at the bunny and say: "Nay! I say to thee, Lady Bunny!! NAAAAAY!!! ...like a horse...!" :33333 Right. sooo yush. Idea'd out right now. Me. ~Later!!~~ ;D ~Edz~~ Oh! And like [@Redward] Hiiii~~!! And welcome to the RpG!!^-^!! Yush.