[@Kurisa] Nairin watched the Captain walk out the door and pass by her. He was clearly angry but Nairin didn't care enough to follow him and ask what was wrong. Instead, Nairin followed Shinzo, no doubt making his way to the nearest pub to get crunk. Streching her arms up, Nairin rested her palms on the back of her head as she walked casually beside Shinzo. It was quite, but it wasn't an awkward type of quite, more a comfortable quite. Nairin didn't mind, she was much too busy giving herself a mental pep talk to cheer herself up over the failed mission. No matter what the Captain said, Nairin considered the mission a complete fuck-up, but that didn't deter her spirits, instead that just gave her more urge to train harder and get stronger sooner. But first, a drink! Stepping inside the pub, Shinzo had already stormed over to the bar and pulled up a stall, ordering his drinks. The guy definitely seemed down in the dumps, Nairin felt he was taking the failure way too hard, it wasn't like they were the cause of the whole Seiteirei and Human world being massacred or something. Taking a look around to soak in the atmosphere and sweet sent of alcohol, Nairin finally claimed a stool beside Shinzo and sat her sweet ass down. Waving the bartender over, Nairin pointed to one of the bottles Shinzo had using her thumb. [color=9932CC][b]"Fetch me one of those"[/b][/color] She demanded, pulling a note out from under her trouser belt. Nairin had always kept her money on her tucked behind a bandaged wrapped around her left leg's thigh for safe-keeping since if she didn't, she would definitely end up loosing all of her money every time she stepped out the door. The bartender grabbed the money and gave her what she wanted along with her change, which she stuffed inside her left pocket. Glancing over at Shinzo, she noticed just how fast the man was downing his alcohol and couldn't help but chuckle. [color=9932CC][b]"[i]Someone's[/i] in a rush to get smashed heh"[/b][/color] Opening her bottle, Nairin took a couple of swigs before wiping her mouth with the back of her right hand. [color=9932CC][b]"The mission affect you [i]that[/i] much? Come'on, not all missions go to plan you know"[/b][/color] It was odd for Nairin to try and cheer up another peer, but she couldn't help it, being around such a down person was making her start to feel bad and there was no way in hell she would let someone else's mood affect hers.