[i][color=f6989d]Ja'vi[/color][/i] - [u]Free Running[/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thl_0ZIHJ_g]Theme[/url] The battle swiftly came to a close as the Rebels swiftly packed up to depart away from the conflict while it was in its final throes of desperation and destruction. Popping up over her barricade of cover, her blaster pistol came to bear and poured a trio of shots into the spine of one of the last remaining bounty hunters before she herself bolted from the conflict. She couldn't get across the distance towards the speeder without risking far too dangerous exposure, so there was only one option. She had to run. Leaving behind the oddly-armored heavy gunner of course. She was swift, not strong. Carrying such a heavy person would have proven beyond cumbersome. Darting quickly behind a barrier as one of the last remaining Bounty Hunters fired in her direction, the former Youngling quickly vaulted over a cart of merchant's goods as another shot of blaster fire punched into it. Sending dust and molten metal flying about while she disappeared behind it. Breaking into a full out sprint as she glanced behind her to see a pair of Hunters still in stubborn pursuit, the Twi'lek nimbly kicked off the wall to launch herself upward just as the space where she had once been erupted into a cloud of shattered stone while blaster fire crashed into it. Sailing through the air for a moment, a hint of a smile betrayed her emotion of the moment. She found serenity in the rush, the exhilaration that crossed her subconscious. Yet even still while one had given up the chase, another still stubbornly remained. What she couldn't do was lead them right back to the Rebel Ship. Nor could she engage him in direct combat. There was not a moment to spare, after all. Getting left behind didn't sound adventurous in the least, in all truth, it sounded absolutely dangerous and reckless. So while she ran, darting from one rooftop to the next across the skyline of the city as she made a beeline for the Rebel Ship, she gathered the extent of her focus into a singular point. It came with a humorous question to boot. What's red, and very bad for a Bounty Hunter's skull? A [b]brick[/b]. As he chased her, the Bounty Hunter's sight slowly gained on the Twi'lek as his focus remained rather zealously upon her. What he didn't expect however, was the sudden mysterious lift of a piece of red mortar off of a Cart; of which zipped through the air and collided violently with the side of his unaware temple. He too then dropped like a sack of potatoes as she leapt across the final distance and made the final sprint for the Rebel Shuttle. Swinging into the ship and landing in a rather feline nature upon her feet just a minute or two after the Shuttle, the rapid rise and fall of her chest signified the exertion of her effort on many measures. Glancing over to Besk as they rummaged through the spoils of war, the Twi'lek had but only one question. Of which was reflected in her melodic, but somber voice. [color=f6989d]"Well, that was fun. Did everyone get the evacuation they needed, sir? Or do I need be heading out to buy more time?"[/color]